Healthy Sleep Habits

by Dr. Carolyn Nowakowski

Just in time to gain that precious one hour of sleep (Remember…”Spring Forward, Fall Back” on November 4, 2012) as daylight savings time ends, let’s outline some of the important factors related to getting a good night’s sleep.  Make the most of that added hour while also making your nights more restful overall.  Emotional and physical health, […]

Adults Who Were Abused as Children

by Dr. Carolyn Nowakowski

When working with adults who were abused as children, I guide people through the process to change self-destructive messages of fear, shame and depression, replacing them with realistic messages of self-worth, inner security and hope.   It is courageous to take steps toward healing, and it is a path that you do not have to travel alone.  Therapy can provide support […]

Helping Friends Who Are Depressed

by Dr. Carolyn Nowakowski

When a friend  is struggling with depression, it is not easy to know how best to help.  Compassion, true listening, encouragement and care are priceless during your friend’s time of need.  This blog post provides some ‘do’s and don’t’s’ when trying to help a friend who is experiencing depression, and was part of my presentation to persons […]

Renewal and Re-Growth

by Dr. Carolyn Nowakowski

Springtime is here, complete with all the symbols of renewal and re-growth. There is spring cleaning, planting flowers, opening of windows and tuning up bicycles to greet this vibrant season.  How about renewal and regrowth in our important relationships?  Use some solid strategies to discover paths to better communication, effective problem-solving and deeper understanding with those you love. […]